
The taste of quality

As with everything we offer at Schloss Hohen­kam­mer, our qual­ity stan­dards guide us. This also ap­plies to our prod­ucts in liquid form. Whether these are brandies, vine­gars or oils – all are among the finest in their class. It is nice that visitors can take a piece, or a sip, of Schloss Hohen­kam­mer with them as a re­minder of their stay.

Gut Eichethof
Monday to Friday
9 am to 5 pm
Phone +49(0)8137 93 45 00

Hotel reception
Phone +49 (0)8137 93 40

Fine brandies

Exquisite spirits

More than 1,000 fruit trees and bushes grow on the es­tate and all these fruits are avail­able in liquid form. But more than that – they are pure, dis­tilled en­joy­ment. Ini­tially en­joyed as apples, pears, quinces and plums, they make up our proud as­sort­ment of brandies, five of them “bar­rique” (ma­tured and stored in Ital­ian oak bar­rels). Some of these spir­its are made of fruit grown else­where, pro­vided the qual­ity is right.

The estate’s distillery has quickly gained an ex­cel­lent rep­u­ta­tion. At the World Spir­its Awards 2013, it was ranked 15th – world­wide! – in first-class distilleries. In 2014 our three barrique brandies apple, grape and rowan berry were awarded gold medals. And in 2015 the damson brandy and hazelnut spirit received the highest distinction by Bayern Brand. And our pumpkin seed spirit was awarded the gold medal at Destillata 2021.

Vinegar and oil and more

A small selection of our huge range of products

The brandies are complemented by our se­lec­tion fine, aro­matic vine­gars. Again, you can choose from an exten­sive range, includ­ing a rare tomato vine­gar. As with our brandies, only the best raw ma­te­ri­als are used. You can enjoy the pumpkin seeds from our own organ­i­cally grown crops as high-qual­ity oil as well as roasted in many deli­cious flavors.

All of our blossoming trees and shrubs are fer­til­ised by six colonies of bees, which pro­duce an ex­cel­lent honey in the process. This com­pletes our cycle of delicacies.

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